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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dave Quinn Interviews RSAG (Rarely Seen Above Ground) for Connected Magazine

With the growing success of Irish talent in music at the moment you cannot help but be a little proud, and a little patriotic. But deeper lies an uneasiness, one which makes us all ask the same questions lately, such as “When will we hear a fresh, different and homegrown talent that doesn’t go straight for the jugular of indie rock”. No? Anybody? Well maybe it is just me, but nonetheless my mouth has been firmly shut and will happily stay that way for the entire time RSAG is on the music scene.
Rarely Seen Above Ground – or Jeremy Hickey to his mates, has gained national notoriety after his performance at Electric Picnic 08 sparked the Irish Times to write “he was one of the best acts by far” and “he blew me away”. Since Then he has enjoyed further success with the release of his debut album Organic Sampler at the end of 2008 which received nationwide media acclaim. Seriously, he is crazy hot.
Those who have yet to hear RSAG are in for a treat as he has a jam packed summer schedule of live performances and you are sure to catch one sooner rather than later.
Luckily Connected had pre-empted this heavy workload and managed to catch up with RSAG for a chat before his touring began.

1. Hi! Firstly, your name stands for Rarely Seen Above Ground. Slight touch of Agoraphobia or is there a better story behind it?
No, not as deep as that! It was quite a simple origin to be honest. A friend of mine years ago heard one of my demos after a long time of nobody purposely knowing what I was up to. He said “hey, you’re rarely seen above ground”. That idea of doing something that was unexpected stuck with me for years.

2. Your name has been popping up all over the place; most notably on RTE's The View and Other Voices. Are you already eying up sports Cars and other such luxury items that come with Fame?
Ha, absolutely not! The only things I’m eying up are some microphones and other pieces of equipment to improve what I want to do on my next recordings.

3. When did you last google yourself and what did you find?
A review of my album Organic Sampler by Lauren Murphy.

4. What festivals are you hoping to play through the summer months?
I’m hoping to play a lot! Oxegen in July, Castlepalooza in August, Hop Farm (UK), Airbound (Croatia) and the Cork independent Festival. I have already played Sea Sessions at the end of May, so yeah; the summer is going to be pretty busy!

5. You are a former member of band Blue Ghost, how did you end up becoming a solo artist?
I actually started as a solo artist and then formed a band. In 1996 I had done my first proper solo recording under the name Blue Ghost and then about a year later I met Davy Holland and we decided to work together but still go under the name Blue Ghost.

6. Do you carry any lucky charms when playing live? (Please don’t say rabbit’s foot!)
The only things I consider lucky are my ear attenuators.

7. Plans for the second album?
I am currently working on my new album. I do not know when it will be finished as I am so busy this summer but when it is released it will be called Be it Right or Wrong.

8. Your influences include Talking Heads, Radiohead and Miles Davies. Have you every received any comparisons?
I always receive comparisons and of course always will. I love a lot of different styles of music and those styles will always come through in my music when it inspires me. It's mood driving music which always depends on feel.

9. I'd compare your singing style to Ian Curtis (Joy Division) or Paul Banks of Interpol. Is that a complement or do you hate me now!?
No I don’t hate you! I’m not sure if it was a conscious thing but on some of the songs on Organic sampler there is that kind of style alright. It suits the mood on some tracks. It is very distinct.

10. What is your favorite thing in the world, EVER?
Moving Forward.

Check out RSAG during the summer and hopefully by the time you want more from the metaphorical mole of music his second album Be It Right Or Wrong will be just around the corner.

For more on RSAG check out

Words by Dave Quinn