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Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Top 50 Sci-Fi Movies of All Time!

If I were to pick a favorite film genre, I'd go Sci-Fi every time. But there are so many crossovers and sub categories in film these days that i find myself asking "Does Sci-fi even exist anymore?"

Science Fiction is supposed to do exactly what it says on the tin - mix science with fiction. The great thing about this, yet the same point which blurs its very definition, is the range it covers; everything from Time travel, Space and The Future to Dinosaurs, Aliens and the paranormal. once the primary ingredients are present you can slap on a layer of comedy, horror or good old fashioned fantasy and still come out with a pretty good concoction.

with This in mind i began compiling a list of what I think is the top 50 Sci-Fi films out there today. but before gazing upon my choices with those judgmental eyes, please be aware of the following:
This list does not include any megabucks flicks from the last 12/24 months i.e. inception or Avatar, nor does it include any superhero/comic book adaptations (at least not intentionally!). Finally, please note that I tried really hard not to include too many David Lynch or David Cronenberg titles for fear of the list turning into a top 100. When looking into these Directors, I was very conscious of what Sci-fi represents to the public and therefore could not include many of the films you may feel warrant a place on the list.
But the whole point is to get those opinions flowing so please, comment below and let the debate begin!

50. Primer
49. Mars Attacks!
48. Metropolis
47. Logan's Run
46. The Omega man
45. Serenity
44. inner Space
43. Pitch Black
42. Planet of the Apes (original)
41. Cocoon
40. Batteries Not Included
39. Sunshine
38. Twelve monkeys
37. Dune
36. Minority Report
35. Short Circuit
34. Signs
33. They Live!
32. Demolition Man
31. Tron
30. Labyrinth
29. Akira
28. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
27. Equilibrium
26. Alien 3
25. Escape from New York
24. Starship Troopers
23. The Fly
22. The Abyss
21. Ghostbusters
20. Back to the Future
19. Robocop
18. Armageddon
17. independence Day
16. The Fifth Element
15. Total Recall
14. The Terminator
13. The Thing
12. Jurassic Park
11. Alien
10. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
9. E.T.
8. Back to the Future part 2
7. Blade Runner
6. The Matrix
5. Predator
4. Aliens
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
1. Star Wars Trilogy

1 comment:

  1. I'd replace Serenity (generic straight to DVD movie) with The Lawnmower Man
