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Sunday, March 29, 2009 Meet Up Number 8 - Review

The connector meet-ups organised by Conor Lynch are designed to encourage self motivated independent professionals to mingle on an informal basis with the hopes of gaining interest in each others work. They all want to help each other, which is a rare yet vital commodity for Dublin’s Independent circuit. Connectors Meet Up No.8 which took place in Renards Bar on Fredrick Street, Dublin on Thursday 26th of March, stirred up quite an amount of interest with more than one hundred people in attendance. The event was extremely well organised, with sponsorship from Bulmers and Ben and Jerrys, who had promotions in house to further advertise the event.

The night began as a social experience with people given time to take initiative in making important introductions to other attendees. After sufficient time was given to this clever yet possible unscripted process, presentations began. The Highlight of these was without doubt Co-creator and CEO of Eamon Fallon, who gave a descriptive insight into his professional career from school to his current position. The presentation was highly motivating for anyone with desires to create a website and inspiring to those who have attempted yet become disillusioned. The following section of the night was the open-mic style presentations, with members given the opportunity to present and promote themselves or their business for one minute. Everyone from PR companies to photographers took the stage and gained great exposure.

In a nutshell, the event was successful in regards to the publicity it received, with the turn-out being exceptional. The presentations and general social interaction of the people was also a very positive step for Connector. With the popularity and content of the site growing rapidly, I guarantee this is still only the beginning. Given time there will be no need to keep your ear to the ground as will be louder than ever.

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